There's a smarter way to sell homes...

Supercharge your listings and sell homes faster with MyHouseRight.

Take Your Real Estate Sales to The Next Level

From our "punch-list planner" and proprietary “Bid It, Fix It, Pay It” app to our dramatic 360 degree virtual property listings (with drone flyover video), myHouseRight makes selling homes up to 39% faster*, more efficient, and more lucrative.

*According to research by MLS & IGuide

Supercharge Property

Eliminate the Hassle of Small Home Maintenance Projects

Save Your Clients

Sell Homes Up To
39% Faster*

Impress Sellers and Attract New Ones

Increase The Selling Price...and Your Commission.

* According to MLS research and IGuide

Punch List Planner

Manage your home maintenance and home improvement projects (past, present, and future) all in one place (especially valuable when selling your home)!

"Bid it, Fix it, Pay it"

Take control and revolutionize how you maintain your home...with the click of a button! In the process, save time, save money, and eliminate hassles.

V.I.D. Scan

Sell you house faster, make home maintenance profoundly easier, and have full knowledge of your all times and no matter where you are in the world.

Marketing Platform

Double or even triple your flow of clients with our all-in-one "done with you" marketing platform. Stop worrying about where your next client will come from...forever.

How It Works:

  • Apply to become a myHouseRight Certified Real Estate Professional

  • Help Homeowner signup for myHouseRight membership

  • Help homeowner with our proprietary Punch-List Planner

  • Once punch list items are completed using our easy "Bid it, Fix it, Pay it" app, stage home for myHouseRight "Whole House V.I.D Scan"

  • Get 360 IGuide tour, dramatic drone video, and room pictures from homeowner.

  • Publish property listing

  • Sell home up to 39% faster*

* According to MLS research and IGuide

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