Looking for More Work?

Join myHouseRight and get guaranteed profitable jobs without the hassles.

Take Your Trade Business To The Next Level

The work you do is hard enough without having to worry about marketing, estimates, and fighting for and with customers only to have them not pay you for your work.

What if we could eliminate all that?

Our proprietary “Bid It, Fix It, Pay It” app sends you guaranteed profitable projects without these hassles.

Stop Chasing Prospects

Stop Doing Estimates

Get Guaranteed Profitable Jobs

We Deal With Problem Customers

Dramatically Grow Your Business

Eliminate Follow Up

How It Works:

  • Apply to become a myHouseRight Service Provider

  • Agree on pricing for your services

  • Get approved

  • Download myHouseRight app

  • Get customer approved estimates

  • Confirm time

  • Complete work

  • Upload evidence of completed work using app

  • Get paid

Ready To Get Started?

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